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3 San Bernardino Plumbers Found
Richard B
San Bernardino, California
Active over a week ago
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Regarding toilet installation
I am appointment with 25 years experience and I hold a C 36 contractors license I live in San Bernardino close to Fontana
I am appointment with 25 years experience and I hold a C 36 contractors license I live in San Bernardino close to Fontana
William N
San Bernardino, California
Active over a week ago
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San Bernardino Action Plumbing
We are the number one plumbing service in San Bernardino and have been for decades. San Bernardino Action Plumbing has become the number one...
We are the number one plumbing service in San Bernardino and have been for decades. San Bernardino Action Plumbing has become the number one plumber in San Bernardino through offering the lowest prices on plumbing repairs matched with the highest customer service standards. We show up same-day, on time and in under 60 minutes from the time you call. Our plumbers are honest, kno...
Omri G
San Bernardino, California
Active over a week ago
From 60.00/hour
8 years exp.
8 Year Plumber and recently Licensed
I have been plumbing for 8 Years in new construction from single family homes to hotels. I understand the plumbing concepts of commercial an...
I have been plumbing for 8 Years in new construction from single family homes to hotels. I understand the plumbing concepts of commercial and residential systems. I am an individual and currently hold a full time job, so I cannot provide services that require High Profile Tools such as Trenchless repairs, but additions, leaks, repipes or new installations... feel free to call.
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